依赖注入是目前很多优秀框架都在使用的一个设计模式。Java的开发框架如Spring在用,PHP的Laravel/Phalcon/Symfony等也在用。好多不同语言的框架,设计思想大同小异,相互借鉴参考。熟悉了一个语言的开发框架,其它不同的框架甚至不同语言的开发框架,往往也很容易从设计理念和概念上理解。不过,有些语言因为设计特色,一些设计模式反而看似消失不见了。其实是融入了语言里面,不易察觉。我看见过这么一句话:“设计模式是编程语言固有缺陷的产物”。有一个讨论在这里:Why is IoC / DI not common in Python?
Dependency Injection 常常简称为:DI。它是实现控制反转(Inversion of Control – IoC)的一个模式。有一本依赖注入详解的书在这里:Dependency Injection 。它的本质目的是解耦,保持软件组件之间的松散耦合,为设计开发带来灵活性。
这里借用一套PHP代码的演化过程,解释依赖注入模式的出现过程。代码来自Phalcon框架文档。个人感觉,从演化出发,最能达成理解的目标,就如同数学推理一样让人信服,自然而然。想当年,我研究Windows时代的COM技术体系,看到有一本书也是这么做的 – Dan Box的《COM本质论》第1-2章,阐述了从Dll到COM组件的设计过程。
class SomeComponent{ /** * The instantiation of the connection is hardcoded inside * the component, therefore it's difficult replace it externally * or change its behavior */ public function someDbTask() { $connection = new Connection( [ "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo", ] ); // ... } } $some = new SomeComponent(); $some->someDbTask();
class SomeComponent{ protected $_connection; /** * Sets the connection externally */ public function setConnection($connection) { $this->_connection = $connection; } public function someDbTask() { $connection = $this->_connection; // ... } } $some = new SomeComponent(); // Create the connection$connection = new Connection( [ "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo", ] );
class Registry{ /** * Returns the connection */ public static function getConnection() { return new Connection( [ "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo", ] ); } } class SomeComponent{ protected $_connection; /** * Sets the connection externally */ public function setConnection($connection) { $this->_connection = $connection; } public function someDbTask() { $connection = $this->_connection; // ... } } $some = new SomeComponent(); // Pass the connection defined in the registry$some->setConnection(Registry::getConnection()); $some->someDbTask();
class Registry{ protected static $_connection; /** * Creates a connection */ protected static function _createConnection() { return new Connection( [ "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo", ] ); } /** * Creates a connection only once and returns it */ public static function getSharedConnection() { if (self::$_connection === null) { self::$_connection = self::_createConnection(); } return self::$_connection; } /** * Always returns a new connection */ public static function getNewConnection() { return self::_createConnection(); } } class SomeComponent{ protected $_connection; /** * Sets the connection externally */ public function setConnection($connection) { $this->_connection = $connection; } /** * This method always needs the shared connection */ public function someDbTask() { $connection = $this->_connection; // ... } /** * This method always needs a new connection */ public function someOtherDbTask($connection) { } } $some = new SomeComponent(); // This injects the shared connection$some->setConnection( Registry::getSharedConnection() ); $some->someDbTask(); // Here, we always pass a new connection as parameter$some->someOtherDbTask( Registry::getNewConnection() );
// Create the dependencies or retrieve them from the registry$connection = new Connection(); $session = new Session(); $fileSystem = new FileSystem(); $filter = new Filter(); $selector = new Selector(); // Pass them as constructor parameters$some = new SomeComponent($connection, $session, $fileSystem, $filter, $selector); // ... Or using setters$some->setConnection($connection); $some->setSession($session); $some->setFileSystem($fileSystem); $some->setFilter($filter); $some->setSelector($selector);
class SomeComponent{ // ... /** * Define a factory method to create SomeComponent instances injecting its dependencies */ public static function factory() { $connection = new Connection(); $session = new Session(); $fileSystem = new FileSystem(); $filter = new Filter(); $selector = new Selector(); return new self($connection, $session, $fileSystem, $filter, $selector); } }
use Phalcon\Di;use Phalcon\DiInterface; class SomeComponent{ protected $_di; public function __construct(DiInterface $di) { $this->_di = $di; } public function someDbTask() { // Get the connection service // Always returns a new connection $connection = $this->_di->get("db"); } public function someOtherDbTask() { // Get a shared connection service, // this will return the same connection every time $connection = $this->_di->getShared("db"); // This method also requires an input filtering service $filter = $this->_di->get("filter"); } } $di = new Di(); // Register a "db" service in the container$di->set( "db", function () { return new Connection( [ "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo", ] ); } ); // Register a "filter" service in the container$di->set( "filter", function () { return new Filter(); } ); // Register a "session" service in the container$di->set( "session", function () { return new Session(); } ); // Pass the service container as unique parameter$some = new SomeComponent($di); $some->someDbTask();”
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
Intro to Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection with Spring
容器 Spring
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