微软发布Office 2016 Insider预览版16.0.6868.2054(微软发布会2022)

网友投稿 433 2022-10-04

微软发布Office 2016 Insider预览版16.0.6868.2054(微软发布会2022)

来自微软社区的版主Annelises美国当地时间2016年4月28日宣布了Office 2016 全新预览版 16.0.6868.2054的发布。

该预览版本主要修正了Word 2016里面的一些导致闪退崩溃的一些问题,还加强了AutoCAD的支持,在Visio里可以轻松的导入AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD 2013 文件。同时,微软称“协作变得更加轻松”:在Word和PowerPoint软件中,在你和其他朋友共享的文件中顶部可以看到核心分享功能、新的文档活动、协作成员信息、Skype for Business即时信息等。


Announcing Insider build 16.0.6868.2054 for Office 2016 on Windows desktop

Anneliese [MSFT] started on April 28, 2016

Microsoft Forum Moderator(论坛版主)

Hey Insiders -

微软发布Office 2016 Insider预览版16.0.6868.2054(微软发布会2022)

Just a short-and-sweet note to let you know that update 16.0.6868.2054 is rolling out today. This update includes the features described here and also fixes a couple of issues that were causing crashes in Word 2016.

Thanks for continuing to use and test the Insider releases!


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上一篇:Mac版Office的改进内容(mac office 更新)
下一篇:Office 2016更新:Word和Outlook更智能,PowerPoint新动效(office有鬼)