微软宣布 Office 2019(微软宣布IE浏览器退役)

网友投稿 585 2022-10-04

微软宣布 Office 2019(微软宣布IE浏览器退役)

今天微软宣布了 Office 2019,这是下一代 Office 产品,计划是 2018 下半年发布,预览版明年年中发布。

Office 2019 包括 Office 应用(Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 Outlook 等)、服务器产品(Exchange、SharePoint 和 Skype for Business 等)。

Office 2019 新功能包括新的 Inking 功能、新的 Excel 函数和图表、新的 PowerPoint 动画效果。服务器产品会增加 IT 管理性、可用性、语音和安全。

微软宣布 Office 2019(微软宣布IE浏览器退役)


The next perpetual release of Office

Today’s post was written by Jared Spataro, general manager for Office.

Today, at Microsoft Ignite in Orlando, we announced Office 2019—the next perpetual update for Office. This release, scheduled for the second half of 2018, will include perpetual versions of the Office apps (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, and Skype for Business) and servers (including Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business). Previews of the new products will start shipping mid-year 2018.

Office 2019 will add new user and IT capabilities for customers who aren’t yet ready for the cloud. For example, new and improved inking features—like pressure sensitivity, tilt effects, and ink replay—will allow you to work more naturally. New formulas and charts will make data analysis for Excel more powerful. Visual animation features—like Morph and Zoom—will add polish to PowerPoint presentations. Server enhancements will include updates to IT manageability, usability, voice, and security.

Cloud-powered innovation is a major theme at Ignite this week. But we recognize that moving to the cloud is a journey with many considerations along the way. Office 2019 will be a valuable upgrade for customers who feel that they need to keep some or all of their apps and servers on-premises, and we look forward to sharing more details about the release in the coming months.

—Jared Spataro

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