
网友投稿 1555 2022-05-29

一 背景

之前使用Docker,但是在一些场景Docker不是很适用,Docker是一个C/S架构,运行容器需要Daemon,但是一下简单测试或者CI/CD中,没有Daemon,或者没有root权限,此时就可以使用其他的一些遵循OCI接口规范的工具,例如红帽的podman,其是fork/exec模型,直接通过 OCI runtime(默认也是 runc)来启动容器,无需Daemon后台进程,所以利用podman启动的容器是podman的子进程,

二 概念

Podman 是 Libpod 的一部分,它的定义可以简单用这个命令表示:alias docker=podman

Libpod 是一个创建容器 pod 的工具和库,它包含 pod 管理工具 Podman,Podman 管理 pod、容器、容器镜像和容器卷。

在较高的层面上,Libpod 和 Podman 的作用范围如下:

支持多种镜像格式,包括 OCI 和 Docker。




支持 pod 管理容器组。

pos 和容器的资源隔离。


与 CRI-O 集成以共享容器和后端代码。

支持 Fedora、RHEL 与 Ubuntu 等的不同版本。

允许 Podman CLI 使用 Varlink 后端连接到远程 Podman 实例。

将 Libpod 集成到 CRI-O 中以替换其现有的容器管理后端。

进一步改进 Podman pod 命令

不需要 root(rootless)容器的进一步改进

2.1 OCI

因为它们(包括Docker)都遵循OCI (Open Container Initiative)下的相同规范。它们包含了容器运行时、容器分发和容器镜像的规范,其中涵盖了使用容器所需的所有特性。


2.2 容器引擎


LXD——LXC (Linux Containers)是一个容器管理器(守护进程)。该工具提供了运行系统容器的能力,这些系统容器提供了更类似于VM的容器环境。它位于非常狭窄的空间,没什么用户,所以除非你有非常具体的实例,否则最好还是使用Docker或Podman。



Podman 原来是 CRI-O 项目的一部分,后来被分离成一个单独的项目叫 libpod。Podman 的使用体验和 Docker 类似,不同的是 Podman 没有 daemon。以前使用 Docker CLI 的时候,Docker CLI 会通过 gRPC API 去跟 Docker Engine 说「我要启动一个容器」,然后 Docker Engine 才会通过 OCI Container runtime(默认是 runc)来启动一个容器。这就意味着容器的进程不可能是 Docker CLI 的子进程,而是 Docker Engine 的子进程。

Podman 比较简单粗暴,它不使用 Daemon,而是直接通过 OCI runtime(默认也是 runc)来启动容器,所以容器的进程是 podman 的子进程。这比较像 Linux 的 fork/exec 模型,而 Docker 采用的是 C/S(客户端/服务器)模型。与 C/S 模型相比,fork/exec 模型有很多优势,比如:


如果利用 cgroup 对 podman 做一些限制,那么所有创建的容器都会被限制。

SD_NOTIFY : 如果将 podman 命令放入 systemd 单元文件中,容器进程可以通过 podman 返回通知,表明服务已准备好接收任务。

socket 激活 : 可以将连接的 socket 从 systemd 传递到 podman,并传递到容器进程以便使用它们。

废话不多说,下面我们直接进入实战环节,本文将手把手教你如何用 podman 来部署静态博客,并通过 Sidecar 模式将博客所在的容器加入到 Envoy mesh 之中。

三 实操

3.1 安装

Centos 8 默认使用podman

$ sudo yum -y install podman



再新建一个空的 registries.conf 文件,插入如下内容

unqualified-search-registries = ["docker.io"] [[registry]] prefix = "docker.io" location = "5980zxy5.mirror.aliyuncs.com"

$ brew install podman


$ podman images ls Cannot connect to Podman. Please verify your connection to the Linux system using `podman system connection list`, or try `podman machine init` and `podman machine start` to manage a new Linux VM Error: unable to connect to Podman socket: Get "http://d/v3.4.0/libpod/_ping": dial unix ///var/folders/wn/367g1v9n1bv0sg1k8qldzym80000gn/T/podman-run--1/podman/podman.sock: connect: no such file or directory # 需要启动machine $ podman machine init Downloading VM image: fedora-coreos-34.20211004.2.0-qemu.x86_64.qcow2.xz: done Extracting compressed file $ podman machine start INFO[0000] waiting for clients... INFO[0000] listening tcp:// INFO[0000] new connection from to /var/folders/wn/367g1v9n1bv0sg1k8qldzym80000gn/T/podman/qemu_podman-machine-default.sock Waiting for VM ... 2Machine "podman-machine-default" started successfully


3.2 基础命令

Manage pods, containers and images Usage: podman [options] [command] Available Commands: attach Attach to a running container build Build an image using instructions from Containerfiles commit Create new image based on the changed container container Manage containers create Create but do not start a container diff Display the changes to the object's file system events Show podman events exec Run a process in a running container export Export container's filesystem contents as a tar archive generate Generate structured data based on containers and pods. healthcheck Manage health checks on containers help Help about any command history Show history of a specified image image Manage images images List images in local storage import Import a tarball to create a filesystem image info Display podman system information init Initialize one or more containers inspect Display the configuration of object denoted by ID kill Kill one or more running containers with a specific signal load Load image(s) from a tar archive login Login to a container registry logout Logout of a container registry logs Fetch the logs of one or more containers manifest Manipulate manifest lists and image indexes network Manage networks pause Pause all the processes in one or more containers play Play a pod and its containers from a structured file. pod Manage pods port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container ps List containers pull Pull an image from a registry push Push an image to a specified destination restart Restart one or more containers rm Remove one or more containers rmi Removes one or more images from local storage run Run a command in a new container save Save image(s) to an archive search Search registry for image start Start one or more containers stats Display a live stream of container resource usage statistics stop Stop one or more containers system Manage podman tag Add an additional name to a local image top Display the running processes of a container unpause Unpause the processes in one or more containers untag Remove a name from a local image version Display the Podman Version Information volume Manage volumes wait Block on one or more containers Options: -c, --connection string Connection to use for remote Podman service --help Help for podman --identity string path to SSH identity file, (CONTAINER_SSHKEY) --log-level string Log messages above specified level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) (default "error") --url string URL to access Podman service (CONTAINER_HOST) (default "unix:/var/folders/wn/367g1v9n1bv0sg1k8qldzym80000gn/T/podman-run--1/podman/podman.sock") -v, --version version for podman

3.3 运行一个基础命令

$ podman --remote info host: arch: amd64 buildahVersion: 1.15.1 cgroupVersion: v1 conmon: package: conmon-2.0.20-2.module_tl3+88+de755738.x86_64 path: /usr/bin/conmon version: 'conmon version 2.0.20, commit: a9ae6b9ffaadd564332ddf93b4641d48137430bf' cpus: 2 distribution: distribution: '"tencentos"' version: "3.1" eventLogger: file hostname: xuel-terraform-cvm-0 idMappings: gidmap: null uidmap: null kernel: 5.4.119-19-0006 linkmode: dynamic memFree: 2587340800 memTotal: 3851665408 ociRuntime: name: runc package: runc-1.0.0-68.rc92.module_tl3+88+de755738.x86_64 path: /usr/bin/runc version: 'runc version spec: 1.0.2-dev' os: linux remoteSocket: path: /run/podman/podman.sock rootless: false slirp4netns: executable: "" package: "" version: "" swapFree: 0 swapTotal: 0 uptime: 8m 7.8s registries: search: - registry.access.redhat.com - registry.redhat.io - docker.io store: configFile: /etc/containers/storage.conf containerStore: number: 0 paused: 0 running: 0 stopped: 0 graphDriverName: overlay graphOptions: overlay.mountopt: nodev,metacopy=on graphRoot: /var/lib/containers/storage graphStatus: Backing Filesystem: extfs Native Overlay Diff: "false" Supports d_type: "true" Using metacopy: "true" imageStore: number: 0 runRoot: /var/run/containers/storage volumePath: /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes version: APIVersion: 1 Built: 1618972697 BuiltTime: Wed Apr 21 10:38:17 2021 GitCommit: "" GoVersion: go1.14.12 OsArch: linux/amd64 Version: 2.0.5

# 拉取容器 $ podman pull nginx:latest # 运行容器 $ podman run -itd -p 80:80 nginx:latest 6ccd9783fe8b868ef273618570bfff5d40abea9c45e252e5033a2f4b3f6725f8 # 查看容器 $ podman ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6ccd9783fe8b docker.io/library/nginx:latest nginx -g daemon o... 9 seconds ago Up 8 seconds ago>80/tcp affectionate_rubin # 查看容器日志 $ podman logs 6ccd9783fe8b /docker-entrypoint.sh: /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration /docker-entrypoint.sh: Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/ /docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh 10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh: info: Getting the checksum of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf 10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh: info: Enabled listen on IPv6 in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf /docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/20-envsubst-on-templates.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/30-tune-worker-processes.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh: Configuration complete; ready for start up 2021/10/08 06:28:55 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method

podman 基本上和docker命令是一致的,如果熟悉docker,可以将podman,alias为docker来使用

$ alias docker='podman' $ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6ccd9783fe8b docker.io/library/nginx:latest nginx -g daemon o... 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes ago>80/tcp affectionate_rubin $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker.io/library/nginx latest f8f4ffc8092c 9 days ago 138 MB

docker 项目容器操作再次就不详细演示。

3.4 运行pod


$ docker pod --help Manage pods Description: Pods are a group of one or more containers sharing the same network, pid and ipc namespaces. Usage: podman pod [command] Available Commands: create Create a new empty pod exists Check if a pod exists in local storage inspect Displays a pod configuration kill Send the specified signal or SIGKILL to containers in pod pause Pause one or more pods prune Remove all stopped pods and their containers ps List pods restart Restart one or more pods rm Remove one or more pods start Start one or more pods stats Display a live stream of resource usage statistics for the containers in one or more pods stop Stop one or more pods top Display the running processes of containers in a pod unpause Unpause one or more pods


# 如果不能访问k8s.gcr.io,可以从其他源拉取再修改tag $ docker pull mirrorgooglecontainers/pause:3.1 $ docker tag docker.io/mirrorgooglecontainers/pause:3.1 k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1


# 创建pod $ docker pod create --name mynginxpod f26515e8caa7c5d84b15cef6702d1ba6f83be3e6760c96f0619f9f60ac5df1e0 # 查看pod $ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 0560f1744dee mynginxpod Created 2 seconds ago 1 375497f7b909 # 在pod中运行容器 $ docker run -d --pod mynginxpod nginx:latest 9f9696382299d0eef711c8ec68baa02b49635e7b9a87f22d1d951e9a326b41a9 $ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 0560f1744dee mynginxpod Running 44 seconds ago 2 375497f7b909 # 查看pod中所有容器 $ docker ps -pa CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES POD ID PODNAME 375497f7b909 docker.io/mirrorgooglecontainers/pause:3.1 About an hour ago Up About an hour ago 0560f1744dee-infra 0560f1744dee mynginxpod 9f9696382299 docker.io/library/nginx:latest nginx -g daemon o... About an hour ago Up About an hour ago pensive_montalcini 0560f1744dee mynginxpod # 查看资源使用情况 $ docker pod top mynginxpod USER PID PPID %CPU ELAPSED TTY TIME COMMAND 0 1 0 0.000 1h9m55.211491679s ? 0s /pause root 1 0 0.000 1h9m55.212004807s ? 0s nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; nginx 30 1 0.000 1h9m55.212053645s ? 0s nginx: worker process nginx 31 1 0.000 1h9m55.212089686s ? 0s nginx: worker process

3.5 导出资源清单

$ docker generate kube mynginxpod > mynginxpod.yaml $ cat mynginxpod.yaml # Generation of Kubernetes YAML is still under development! # # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import # it into Kubernetes. # # Created with podman-2.0.5 apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: "2021-10-08T08:14:23Z" labels: app: mynginxpod name: mynginxpod spec: containers: - command: - nginx - -g - daemon off; env: - name: PATH value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - name: TERM value: xterm - name: PKG_RELEASE value: 1~buster - name: container value: podman - name: NGINX_VERSION value: 1.21.3 - name: NJS_VERSION value: 0.6.2 - name: HOSTNAME value: mynginxpod image: docker.io/library/nginx:latest name: pensivemontalcini resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: {} privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false seLinuxOptions: {} workingDir: / status: {} --- metadata: creationTimestamp: null spec: {} status: loadBalancer: {}


$ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 0560f1744dee mynginxpod Running About an hour ago 2 375497f7b909 # 删除pod $ docker pod rm -f mynginxpod 0560f1744dee0492627ea28e5f19664dcee33e51a1ebf2243a6be9b5ab2f6331 $ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID $ docker play kube mynginxpod.yaml Trying to pull docker.io/library/nginx:latest... Getting image source signatures Copying blob 4ce73aa6e9b0 skipped: already exists Copying blob 44ac32b0bba8 skipped: already exists Copying blob bbe0b7acc89c skipped: already exists Copying blob 07aded7c29c6 skipped: already exists Copying blob 91d6e3e593db skipped: already exists Copying blob 8700267f2376 [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 0.0b Copying config f8f4ffc809 done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures Pod: 3ca51af554315e1c828f81ca29a5dbaf3a256a5037170b4378ef0bc8ad1824c5 Container: 3d5c5a674f6140d86138e288db73eee1594de7598da2dd982f29299cbe97ecef $ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 3ca51af55431 mynginxpod Running 44 seconds ago 2 ba4e1570dc74

podman 由两部分组成,一个是 podman CLI,还有一个是 container runtime,container runtime 由 conmon 来负责,主要包括监控、日志、TTY 分配以及类似 out-of-memory 情况的杂事。也就是说,conmon 是所有容器的父进程。

3.6 运行两个容器

$ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 3ca51af55431 mynginxpod Running 17 minutes ago 2 ba4e1570dc74 # 同一个pod中启动三个容器 $ docker run -d --pod mynginxpod tomcat:latest 08b77aeb728668d2ecea9cffe86d03e1177c903fcfcee8c91fee5816e3172d22 $ docker pod ls POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED # OF CONTAINERS INFRA ID 3ca51af55431 mynginxpod Running 17 minutes ago 3 ba4e1570dc74

四 相关概念

4.1 容器引擎

Container Engine是一种工具,它为处理镜像和容器提供用户界面,远程仓库提取镜像并将其扩展到磁盘。它看起来也是运行容器,但实际上它的工作是创建容器清单和带有镜像层的目录。然后它将它们传递到容器运行时,如runC或Crun



LXD——LXC (Linux Containers)是一个容器管理器(守护进程)。该工具提供了运行系统容器的能力,这些系统容器提供了更类似于VM的容器环境。它位于非常狭窄的空间,没什么用户,所以除非你有非常具体的实例,否则最好还是使用Docker或Podman。



4.2 镜像构建



Kaniko谷歌开发,Kaniko也是从Dockerfile构建容器镜像,跟Buildah类似,也不需要守护进程。与Buildah的主要区别在于,Kaniko更专注于在Kubernetes中构建镜像。Kaniko使用gcr.io/ Kaniko -project/executor作为镜像运行。这对于Kubernetes来说是行得通的,但是对于本地构建来说不是很方便,并且在某种程度上违背了它的初衷,因为我们得先使用Docker来运行Kaniko镜像,然后再去构建镜像。也就是说,如果正在为Kubernetes集群中构建镜像的工具进行选型(例如在CI/CD Pipeline中),那么Kaniko可能是一个不错的选择,因为它是无守护程序的,而且(可能)更安全。

4.3 容器运行时



containerd:它是一个守护进程,充当各种容器运行时和操作系统的API。在后台,它依赖于runC,是Docker引擎的默认运行时。谷歌Kubernetes引擎(GKE)和IBM Kubernetes服务(IKS)也在使用。它是Kubernetes容器运行时接口的一个部署(与CRI-O相同),因此它是Kubernetes集群运行时的一个很好的备选项。

Kata:kata containers是由OpenStack基金会管理,但独立于OpenStack项目之外的容器项目。kata containers整合了Intel的 Clear Containers 和 Hyper.sh 的 runV,能够支持不同平台的硬件 (x86-64,arm等),并符合OCI(Open Container Initiative)规范,同时还可以兼容k8s的 CRI(Container Runtime Interface)接口规范。项目包含几个配套组件,即Runtime,Agent, Proxy,Shim等。项目已于6月份release了1.0版本。Kata最大的亮点是解决了传统容器共享内核的安全和隔离问题





Docker Kubernetes 容器

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