Excel中的常用位置查找函数Match应用介绍 附三个案例(excel查表函数match)
convert 转换图像格式和大小,模糊,裁剪,驱除污点,抖动,临近,图片上画图片,加入新图片,生成缩略图等。
identify 描述一个或较多图像文件的格式和特性。
composite 根据一个图片或多个图片组合生成图片
convert +profile '*' [src]{file}.{ext} -quality 80 -resize '280x140^>' -gravity Center -crop 280x140+0+0 +repage [out]{file}_280x140.{ext}
-quality 图片质量,jpg默认99,png默认75
100x100 高度和宽度比例保留最高值,高比不变
100x100^ 高度和宽度比例保留最低值,宽高比不变
100x100! 宽度和高度强制转换,忽视宽高比
100x100> 更改长宽,当图片长或宽超过规定的尺寸
100x100< 更改长宽 只有当图片长宽都超过规定的尺寸
100x100^> 更改长宽,当图片长或宽超过规定的尺寸。高度和宽度比例保留最低值
100x100^< 更改长宽,只有当图片长宽都超过规定的尺寸。高度和宽度比例保留最低值
100 按指定的宽度缩放,保持宽高比例
x100 按指定高度缩放,保持宽高比
-gravity NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast截取用的定位指令,定位截取区域在图片中的方位
-crop 200x200+0+0 截取用的截取指令 ,在用定位指令后,按后两位的偏移值偏移截取范围左上角的像素后,再按前两位的数值,从左上角开始截取相应大小的图片
+repage 去掉图片裁减后的空白
-dissolve 30 设定组合图片透明度dissolve示例
+/-profile * 去掉/添加图片exif信息
convert +profile '*' [src]{file}.{ext} -quality 90 -resize '700>' /data/tony/watermark_1.png -gravity southeast -compose Dissolve -composite [out]{file}_1024x1024.{ext}
convert +profile '*' [src]{file}.{ext} /data/watermark_1.png -gravity southeast -geometry +10+10 -composite [src]{file}.{ext}
convert +profile '*' [src]{file}.{ext} -coalesce -resize '950x135>' [out]{file}_950x135.{ext}
convert +profile '*' [src]{file}.{ext} -resize '650x500>' miff:- | composite +profile '*' -dissolve 30 -gravity southeast /data/tony/watermark_1.png - [out]{file}_650x500.{ext}
convert [src]{file}.{ext} -quality 80 -resize '190>' -background white -gravity center -extent 190x +repage [out]{file}_width190.{ext}
【/bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: 没有那个文件或目录】
vim filename
:set ff? #可以看到dos或unix的字样. 如果的确是dos格式的。
:set ff=unix #把它强制为unix格式的, 然后存盘退出。
shell 除法计算
num3=`expr $num1 / $num2`
这个时候num3=0 ,是因为是因为expr不支持浮点除法
num3=`echo "scale=2; $num1/$num2" | bc`
awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",’$num1‘/’$num2‘}'
awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f%\n",(’$num1‘/’$num2‘)*100}'
convert +profile '*' -size 950x135 xc:#ffffff [src]{file}.{ext} -resize 950x135 -gravity center -compose Src-over -composite [out]{file}_950x135.{ext}
convert +profile '*' tly2.gif -resize "600>" tly2_600.gif
C:\>identify tly2.gif
tly2.gif[0] GIF 341x186 341x186+0+0 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.003
tly2.gif[1] GIF 194x173 341x186+128+13 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.010
tly2.gif[2] GIF 192x175 341x186+130+11 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.013
tly2.gif[3] GIF 80x177 341x186+131+9 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.016
tly2.gif[30] GIF 164x175 341x186+122+11 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.094
tly2.gif[31] GIF 145x172 341x186+122+14 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.097
tly2.gif[32] GIF 195x167 341x186+122+19 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.100
tly2.gif[33] GIF 196x174 341x186+121+12 8-bit sRGB 256c 191KB 0.000u 0:00.105
如果原图宽>高:按宽*size/高缩放; 如果原图宽<高:按高*size/宽缩放; 并居中裁剪size*size
#!/bin/bash export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin filename=$1 filename2=$2 size=$3 resize="70" wh=($(/usr/local/bin/identify -format "%w %h " $1)) if [ ${wh[0]} -gt ${wh[1]} ] then resize=$(echo "${wh[0]}*$size/${wh[1]}+1" | bc) else resize=$(echo "${wh[1]}*$size/${wh[0]}+1" | bc) fi /usr/local/bin/convert +profile "*" -quality 75 -resize ${resize}x${resize} $filename $filename2 /usr/local/bin/convert +profile "*" -gravity Center -crop ${size}x${size}+0+0 $filename2 $filename2
使用范例:/usr/local/bin/crop_center.sh [src]{file}.{ext} [out]{file}_small.{ext} 100
#!/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-1.sh [source path] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-1.sh src/1234.jpg out/1234_100x200.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$2" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify -format "%wx%h %f\n" ${srcFile}` index1=`expr index "${sizeMatrix}" x` width=`expr substr "${sizeMatrix}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\`` echo width: ${width} index2=`expr \`expr index "${sizeMatrix}" ' '\` - ${index1} - 1` height=`expr substr "${sizeMatrix}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` ${index2}` echo height: ${height} if [ ${width} -lt 300 ] ; then if [ ${height} -lt 300 ] ; then echo Image size less than 300x300 cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi fi if [ `echo ${ext}|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'` = "BMP" ] ; then index1=`expr index "${dstFile}" .` dstFile=`expr substr "${dstFile}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\``.jpg fi #convert image/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert +profile '*' ${srcFile} -resize '1024x1024>' /data/tony/watermark_1.png -gravity southeast -compose Dissolve -composite ${dstFile}
使用范例:/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-1.sh [src]{file}.{ext} [out]{file}_1024x1024.{ext}
宽大于高时:定宽等比缩放 高自适应;宽小于高时:定高等比缩放,宽自适应
#!/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: resizeByWidthOrHeight.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./resizeByWidthOrHeight.sh src/1234.jpg 150x150 out/1234_150x2150.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} newSize="${destWidth}x${destHeight}" # width < height if [ ${width} -lt ${height} ] ; then newSize="'x${destHeight}>'" else newSize="'${destWidth}>'" fi echo "newSize: ${newSize}" # resize resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${srcFile} -quality 100 -resize ${newSize} ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}"
使用范例:/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/resizeByWidthOrHeight.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 594x395 [out]{file}_594x395.{ext}
#!/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-2.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-2.sh src/1234.jpg 150x150 out/1234_150x150.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} if [ `echo ${ext}|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'` = "BMP" ] ; then index1=`expr index "${dstFile}" .` dstFile=`expr substr "${dstFile}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\``.jpg fi srcRate=$(echo "scale=9; $width*1.0 / $height*1.0" | bc) destRate=$(echo "scale=9; $destWidth*1.0 / $destHeight*1.0" | bc) echo "srcRate: ${srcRate}" echo "destRate: ${destRate}" resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert +profile '*' ${srcFile} -resize '${destWidth}x${destHeight}^>' -grAvity Center -crop ${destWidth}x${destHeight}+0+0 +repage ${dstFile}" newSize="${destWidth}x${destHeight}" # width < height if [ ${destWidth} -lt ${destHeight} ] ; then newSize="x${destHeight}>" elif [ `echo "${srcRate} > ${destRate}" | bc` -eq 1 ] ; then newSize="x${destHeight}>" else newSize="${destWidth}>" fi grAvityWay="Center" # width < height if [ ${destWidth} -ge ${destHeight} ] ; then grAvityWay="NorthWest" fi # resize resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert +profile '*' ${srcFile} -resize '${newSize}' -grAvity ${grAvityWay} -crop ${destWidth}x${destHeight}+0+0 +repage ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}"
使用范例:/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-2.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 170x105 [out]{file}_170x105.{ext}
当原图宽 当原图宽 当原图宽>destWidth,高 当原图宽>destWidth,高>destHeight, { 当原图宽/高>persentSize时,将原图高压缩为destHeight居中裁剪 当原图宽/高 } !/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-3.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-3.sh src/1234.jpg 750x375 out/1234_750x375.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} #if [ `echo ${ext}|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'` = "BMP" ] ; then #index1=`expr index "${dstFile}" .` #dstFile=`expr substr "${dstFile}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\``.jpg #fi #newSize="${destWidth}x${destHeight}" heightPadding="0" widthPadding="0" persentSize=`echo "scale=4; ${destWidth}/${destHeight}" | bc` echo "persentSize: ${persentSize}" # quality qualityCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${srcFile} -quality 90 ${dstFile}" echo "qualityCmd: ${qualityCmd}" eval "${qualityCmd}" # width > 750 && height <375 hengTu if [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -lt ${destHeight} ] ; then heightPadding=$[ ${destHeight}/2-${height}/2] echo heightPadding: ${heightPadding} flag=0 # width < 750 && height >375 shuTu elif [ ${width} -lt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] ; then widthPadding=$[ ${destWidth}/2-${width}/2 ] echo widthPadding: ${widthPadding} flag=0 # width > 750 && height >375 resize and crop elif [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] && [ $ [ ${width}/${height} ]>${persentSize} ] ; then echo "resize by src's height then crop" newSize="'x${destHeight}>'" flag=1 elif [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] && [ $[ ${width}/${height} ]<${persentSize} ] ; then echo "resize by src's width then crop" newSize="'${destWidth}>'" flag=1 fi echo "newSize: ${newSize}" # resize if [ ${flag} -eq 1 ] ; then resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -resize ${newSize} ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}" cropCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -gravity Center -crop ${destSize}+0+0 +repage ${dstFile}" else echo "only crop pic" cropCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -gravity Center -crop ${destSize}+${widthPadding}+${heightPadding} +repage ${dstFile}" fi # crop echo "cropCmd: ${cropCmd}" eval "${cropCmd}" 使用范例:/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-3.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 750x375 [out]{file}_750x375.{ext} 六、tony-convert-3_bg.sh: 以destWidth表示目的图宽,destHeight表示目的图高, 当原图宽 当原图宽 当原图宽>destWidth,高 当原图宽>destWidth,高>destHeight, { 当原图宽>高时,将原图高压缩为destHeight居中裁剪 当原图宽<高时,将原图宽压缩为destWidth居中裁剪 } 所有情况都要居中补白 !/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-3_bg.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-3_bg.sh src/1234.jpg 750x375 out/1234_750x375.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} # quality qualityCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${srcFile} -quality 90 ${dstFile}" echo "qualityCmd: ${qualityCmd}" eval "${qualityCmd}" # width > 750 && height <375 hengTu flag=0 if [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -lt ${destHeight} ] ; then heightPadding=$[ ${destHeight}/2-${height}/2] echo heightPadding: ${heightPadding} flag=0 # width < 750 && height >375 shuTu elif [ ${width} -lt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] ; then widthPadding=$[ ${destWidth}/2-${width}/2 ] echo widthPadding: ${widthPadding} flag=0 # width > 750 && height >375 resize and crop elif [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] && [ ${width} -gt ${height} ] ; then echo "resize by src's height then crop" newSize="'x${destHeight}>'" flag=1 elif [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] && [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight} ] && [ ${width} -lt ${height} ] ; then echo "resize by src's width then crop" newSize="'${destWidth}>'" flag=1 fi echo "newSize: ${newSize}" # resize if [ ${flag} -eq 1 ] ; then resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -resize ${newSize} ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}" cropCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -gravity Center -crop ${destSize}+0+0 +repage -background white -compose Copy -gravity center -extent ${destSize} ${dstFile}" else echo "only crop pic" cropCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -gravity Center -crop ${destSize}+0+0 +repage -background white -compose Copy -gravity center -extent ${destSize} ${dstFile}" fi # crop echo "cropCmd: ${cropCmd}" eval "${cropCmd}" 使用范例:【240x240大小,背景补白,1PX灰色边框】 /usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-3_bg.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 240x240 [out]{file}_240x240.{ext} 七、tony-convert-4.sh: 原图宽大于destWidth: { 高>destHeight时:定宽等比缩放 以原图高为高居中裁剪; 否则:从左上角裁剪 } 原图宽小于destWidth: { 高>destHeight时:以原图高为高居中裁剪; 否则:从左上角裁剪 } #!/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-4.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-4.sh src/1234.jpg 150x150 out/1234_150x150.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} #if [ `echo ${ext}|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'` = "BMP" ] ; then #index1=`expr index "${dstFile}" .` #dstFile=`expr substr "${dstFile}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\``.jpg #fi newSize="${destWidth}x${destHeight}" # width < height if [ ${width} -gt ${destWidth} ] ; then newSize="'${destWidth}>'" if [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight}] ; then heihgtPadding="'${destHeight}/2'" else heihgtPadding="'0'" fi else newSize="'${width}>'" if [ ${height} -gt ${destHeight}] ; then heihgtPadding="'${destHeight}/2'" else heihgtPadding="'0'" fi fi echo "newSize: ${newSize}" # resize resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${srcFile} -quality 90 -resize ${newSize} ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}" # add white ground addWhiteCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -crop ${destSize}+0-${heihgtPadding} +repage ${dstFile}" echo "addWhiteCmd: ${addWhiteCmd}" eval "${addWhiteCmd}" 使用范例:【160*120裁剪或居中加水印】/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-4.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 160x120 [out]{file}_160.{ext} 八、tony-convert-5.sh: 宽大于高时:定宽等比缩放 高自适应; 宽小于高时:定高等比缩放,宽自适应; 并居中补白 #!/bin/sh # we have 2 arguments: source file name and dest file name if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "Usage: tony-convert-5.sh [source path] [widthxheigth] [dest path]" echo "Example: ./tony-convert-5.sh src/1234.jpg 150x150 out/1234_150x2150.jpg" exit 1 fi srcFile="$1" dstFile="$3" destSize="$2" destWidth=${destSize%x*} destHeight=${destSize#*x} echo "destSize: ${destWidth}x${destHeight}" index1=`expr index "${srcFile}" /` echo "index1: $index1" index2=`expr index "${srcFile}" .` echo "index2: $index2" file=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index1} + 1\` \`expr ${index2} - ${index1} - 1\`` echo "file: $file" ext=`expr substr "${srcFile}" \`expr ${index2} + 1\` \`expr length "${srcFile}" - ${index2}\`` echo "ext: $ext" #identify image num picCount=`/usr/local/bin/identify ${srcFile}|grep -c "${file}.${ext}"` echo animate pictures: ${picCount} if [ ${picCount} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "No handle for animate pictures" cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} exit 0 fi #identify image size sizeMatrix=`/usr/local/bin/identify -format "%wx%h" ${srcFile}` echo "index1: $index1" width=${sizeMatrix%x*} echo width: ${width} height=${sizeMatrix#*x} echo height: ${height} #if [ ${width} -lt 300 ] ; then # if [ ${height} -lt 300 ] ; then # echo Image size less than 300x300 # cp ${srcFile} ${dstFile} # exit 0 # fi #fi if [ `echo ${ext}|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'` = "BMP" ] ; then index1=`expr index "${dstFile}" .` dstFile=`expr substr "${dstFile}" 1 \`expr ${index1} - 1\``.jpg fi newSize="${destWidth}x${destHeight}" # width < height if [ ${width} -lt ${height} ] ; then newSize="'x${destHeight}>'" else newSize="'${destWidth}>'" fi echo "newSize: ${newSize}" # resize resizeCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${srcFile} -quality 80 -resize ${newSize} ${dstFile}" echo "resizeCmd: ${resizeCmd}" eval "${resizeCmd}" # add white ground addWhiteCmd="/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/convert ${dstFile} -background white -gravity center -extent ${destSize} -gravity Center -crop ${destSize}+0+0 +repage ${dstFile}" echo "addWhiteCmd: ${addWhiteCmd}" eval "${addWhiteCmd}" 使用范例:【正方形图】/usr/local/sbin/bin/bin/tony-convert-5.sh [src]{file}.{ext} 90x90 [out]{file}_90x90.{ext} Python
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