微软确定2015下半年发布Office16(microsoft office 2017)

网友投稿 831 2022-07-28

在昨日的微软TechED欧洲大会上,Office以及Office 365市场部负责人Julia White分享了有关最新版Office的细节信息。一些Win10企业级安全功能以及更多关于Win10的新功能也被曝光。

具体来说,新版Office 16将在2015年下半年发布,同时发布的还有Office服务器应用。据权威外媒透露信息称,微软原本准备在2015年春季发布Office 16,但现在微软的说法是正在加紧测试最新版Office,不过看起来目前还未开展对触屏版Office的优化。


If you had hopes in snagging Microsoft Office 16 shortly, you are going to be disappointed. Microsoft has shared information denoting that the next anticipated version of Office will be released in the second half of 2015.

Julia White, General Manager of Office and Office 365 Marketing, shared information at a Tech conference in Barcelona that the company’s Office server apps would arrive in the latter half of the coming year. The company plans to release their client and server apps together, so it is safe to say the client side software is also slated for the same release period.

According to ZDNET Blogger, Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft originally planned to aim for a spring 2015 release. As of now, Microsoft is said to be testing Office 16 with a number of internal and external sources. In addition, the company does not seem to be testing its touch friendly Office apps at this time; it is expected that these features will be worked on in the spring.

Microsoft’s TechEd show, scheduled for the first week of May 2015, will feature a number of keynote speakers from the Office team, so it is believed that we may learn more information at that time.

微软确定2015下半年发布Office16(microsoft office 2017)

For the latest information pertaining to Office 16, stay tuned to WinBeta.org.

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