Cell content 单元格内容
Any information you enter into a spreadsheet will be stored in a cell. Each cell can contain different types of content, including text, formatting, formulas, and functions.在工作表中输入的内容是以单元格为基本单位进行存放的,它可以包含很多的不同类别的内容,文本、格式、公式和函数。
Text 文本(字母序列,数字和日期等,注文本左对齐) Cells can contain text, such as letters, numbers, and dates.
Formatting attributes 格式属性Cells can contain formatting attributes that change the way letters, numbers, and dates are displayed. For example, percentages can appear as 0.15 or 15%. You can even change a cell's background color.
Formulas and functions 公式与函数Cells can contain formulas and functions that calculate cell values. In our example, SUM(B2:B8) adds the value of each cell in cell range B2:B8 and displays the total in cell B9. 公式与函数可以对单元格中的内容运行运算并得出结果。
To insert content输入内容
Click a cell to select it.
Type content into the selected cell, then press Enter on your keyboard. The content will appear in the cell and the formula bar. You can also input and edit cell content in the formula bar.输入内容,回车确认。单元格中内容出现在单元格与公式栏中。当然你也可以在公式栏直接编辑内容。
To delete cell content删除单元格中内容
Select the cell with content you want to delete.选择相应单元格
Press the Delete or Backspace key on your keyboard. The cell's contents will be deleted. 按Delete键或Backspace 键即可。
You can use the Delete key on your keyboard to delete content from multiple cells at once. The Backspace key will only delete one cell at a time.Delete 可以一次删除多个选中单元格内容,Backspace一次只能删除一个单元格内容To delete cells删除单元格
There is an important difference between deleting the content of a cell and deleting the cell itself. If you delete the entire cell, the cells below it will shift up and replace the deleted cells.删除单元格与删除单元格的内容是两码事!如果删除单元格,下方的单元格会上移替换原来的单元格。
Select the cell(s) you want to delete.选择要删除的单元格
Select the Delete command from the Home tab on the Ribbon. 选择删除命令。
The cells below will shift up.下方的单元格会上移替换原来的单元格
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