Atlas 500 Docker镜像安装ffmpeg+OpenCV环境(atlascopco空压机)

网友投稿 1752 2022-05-30

1 ffmpeg概述



ffsever:一个 HTTP 多媒体即时广播串流服务器

ffplay:简单的播放器,使用ffmpeg 库解析和解码







#图片序列合成视频 ffmpeg -f images -i img%d.jpg myvideo.mpg #将视频分解成图片序列 ffmpeg -i myvideo.mpg image%d.jpg #从视频提取声音,存为demo.mp3 ffmpeg -i source_video.avi -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192 -f mp3 demo.mp3 #视频格式转换 ffmpeg -i video_src.mpg video_dest.avi #将.avi转成gif动画 ffmpeg -i video_dest.avi anime.gif #合成视频和音频 ffmpeg -i demo.wav -i video_src.avi video_dest.mpg

2 OpenCV概述

根据百度百科的定义,OpenCV是一个基于Apache2.0协议的开源跨平台计算机视觉和机器学习软件库,它可以运行在Linux、Windows、Android和Mac OS操作系统上。它提供了Python、Ruby、MATLAB等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。OpenCV用C++语言编写,轻量且高效,主要倾向于实时视觉应用。 当前在计算机视觉项目中,经常需要用到OpenCV,特别是Python版的接口。

3 docker镜像安装ffmpeg+OpenCV环境

之前的一篇博客《华为Atlas 500小站Docker镜像制作》介绍了如何制作Atlas 500 Docker镜像,下面的安装是基于之前的Docker镜像。首先以admin登录Atlas 500 智能小站,进入开发者模式(develop)。这里我们需要启动Docker镜像,在启动之前,需要查看一下当前的Docker镜像列表,命令如下:

Euler:~ # docker images


从上图输出结果可以看出,制作的Docker 镜像 workload-image:v1.0 在列表中。下面将基于此镜像来创建容器,命令如下:

docker run \ --device=/dev/davinci0 \ --device=/dev/davinci_manager \ --device=/dev/hisi_hdc \ --device /dev/devmm_svm \ -v /usr/local/bin/npu-smi:/usr/local/bin/npu-smi \ -v /home/data/miniD/driver/lib64:/home/data/miniD/driver/lib64 \ -v /run/board_cfg.ini:/run/board_cfg.ini \ -it workload-image:v1.0 bash


如果执行成功,会进入Docker容器的交互环境,这里可以执行Linux相关命令,其中的用户为root,而容器ID为e9c222179267 。这个ID后续的启动和停止容器等操作都会用到。此时容器中的Python环境还未安装,下面首先安装Python环境和相关依赖项,命令如下:

apt-get update apt-get install python3.7 apt-get install python3-pip apt-get install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk

执行成功后,系统中会有python3.6的命令,没错就是python3.6 。继续执行如下命令安装:

python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade pip --user -i python3.6 -m pip install Cython numpy pillow tornado==5.1.0 protobuf \ --user -i


apt-get install vim

安装Python OpenCV 库,命令如下:

apt-get install python3-opencv


下面是按照上述文档将编译后的库进行打包成 ascend_ddk.tar.gz ,它将开发环境安装的ffmpeg、opencv库导入运行环境中,以提供运行使用。执行的操作如下:

mkdir $HOME/ascend_ddk scp -r HwHiAiUser@X.X.X.X:/home/HwHiAiUser/ascend_ddk/x86 $HOME/ascend_ddk scp -r HwHiAiUser@X.X.X.X:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib* $HOME/ascend_ddk/x86/lib


PyAV.tar.gz ascend_ddk.tar.gz (编译好的库打包)


git clone

将文件从Atlas 500小站拷贝到当前容器中,命令如下:

docker cp /opt/mount/docker05/ascend_ddk.tar.gz e9c222179267:/root/ docker cp /opt/mount/docker05/PyAV.tar.gz e9c222179267:/root/



tar zxvf ascend_ddk.tar.gz ################################################# pip3 install Cython apt-get install pkg-config libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev #使opencv能找到ffmpeg cp /root/ascend_ddk/x86/lib/pkgconfig/* /usr/share/pkgconfig ################################################# tar zxvf PyAV.tar.gz cd PyAV python3.6 build --ffmpeg-dir=/root/ascend_ddk/x86 python3.6 install


编译PyAv报错: Could not find libavdevice with pkg-config. Could not find libavfilter with pkg-config. 解决方法: 步骤1. cp /root/ascend_ddk/x86/lib/pkgconfig/* /usr/share/pkgconfig/ 步骤2. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/pkgconfig/


#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Installing pyav script to /usr/local/bin Installed /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/av-8.0.4.dev0-py3.6-linux-aarch64.egg Processing dependencies for av==8.0.4.dev0 Finished processing dependencies for av==8.0.4.dev0


vim /etc/






vim /etc/profile


Atlas 500 Docker镜像安装ffmpeg+OpenCV环境(atlascopco空压机)

export PATH=$PATH:/root/ascend_ddk/x86/bin export PYTHONPATH=/home/data/miniD/driver/lib64:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/data/miniD/driver/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


source /etc/profile


cd ~ python3.6 ################Python环境下############ import av import cv2


如果执行import av报如下错误,则检查环境变量是否配置正确,执行如下操作:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

如果import命令都可以正确执行,没有报错信息,则说明ffmpeg 、OpenCV和PyAV都已经安装成功。首先退出当前Docker容器,重新启动容器:

root@e9c222179267:~/dist# exit exit Euler:~ # docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND e9c222179267 workload-image:v1.0 "bash" Euler:~ # docker start e9c222179267 e9c222179267 Euler:~ # docker attach e9c222179267 root@e9c222179267:~#


root@e9c222179267:~# npu-smi info


下面给出官网示例的修改版,从摄像头用rstp协议拉取视频流,并通过 模型的分类,来确定当前的视频中是否有dog,且识别dog的种类。 可以代码如下所示:

# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import cv2 import datetime import argparse import numpy as np import acl import os from PIL import Image from constant import ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST, \ ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE, ACL_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST, \ ACL_ERROR_NONE, IMG_EXT, NPY_FLOAT32 buffer_method = { "in": acl.mdl.get_input_size_by_index, "out": acl.mdl.get_output_size_by_index } def check_ret(message, ret): if ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE: raise Exception("{} failed ret={}" .format(message, ret)) class Net(object): def __init__(self, device_id, model_path): self.device_id = device_id # int self.model_path = model_path # string self.model_id = None # pointer self.context = None # pointer self.input_data = [] self.output_data = [] self.model_desc = None # pointer when using self.load_input_dataset = None self.load_output_dataset = None self.init_resource() def __del__(self): print("Releasing resources stage:") ret = acl.mdl.unload(self.model_id) check_ret("acl.mdl.unload", ret) if self.model_desc: acl.mdl.destroy_desc(self.model_desc) self.model_desc = None while self.input_data: item = self.input_data.pop() ret =["buffer"]) check_ret("", ret) while self.output_data: item = self.output_data.pop() ret =["buffer"]) check_ret("", ret) if self.context: ret = acl.rt.destroy_context(self.context) check_ret("acl.rt.destroy_context", ret) self.context = None ret = acl.rt.reset_device(self.device_id) check_ret("acl.rt.reset_device", ret) ret = acl.finalize() check_ret("acl.finalize", ret) print('Resources released successfully.') def init_resource(self): print("init resource stage:") ret = acl.init() check_ret("acl.init", ret) ret = acl.rt.set_device(self.device_id) check_ret("acl.rt.set_device", ret) self.context, ret = acl.rt.create_context(self.device_id) check_ret("acl.rt.create_context", ret) # load_model self.model_id, ret = acl.mdl.load_from_file(self.model_path) check_ret("acl.mdl.load_from_file", ret) print("model_id:{}".format(self.model_id)) self.model_desc = acl.mdl.create_desc() self._get_model_info() print("init resource success") def _get_model_info(self,): ret = acl.mdl.get_desc(self.model_desc, self.model_id) check_ret("acl.mdl.get_desc", ret) input_size = acl.mdl.get_num_inputs(self.model_desc) output_size = acl.mdl.get_num_outputs(self.model_desc) self._gen_data_buffer(input_size, des="in") self._gen_data_buffer(output_size, des="out") def _gen_data_buffer(self, size, des): func = buffer_method[des] for i in range(size): # check temp_buffer dtype temp_buffer_size = func(self.model_desc, i) temp_buffer, ret = acl.rt.malloc(temp_buffer_size, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST) check_ret("acl.rt.malloc", ret) if des == "in": self.input_data.append({"buffer": temp_buffer, "size": temp_buffer_size}) elif des == "out": self.output_data.append({"buffer": temp_buffer, "size": temp_buffer_size}) def _data_interaction(self, dataset, policy=ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE): temp_data_buffer = self.input_data \ if policy == ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE \ else self.output_data if len(dataset) == 0 and policy == ACL_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST: for item in self.output_data: temp, ret = acl.rt.malloc_host(item["size"]) if ret != 0: raise Exception("can't malloc_host ret={}".format(ret)) dataset.append({"size": item["size"], "buffer": temp}) for i, item in enumerate(temp_data_buffer): if policy == ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE: ptr = acl.util.numpy_to_ptr(dataset[i]) ret = acl.rt.memcpy(item["buffer"], item["size"], ptr, item["size"], policy) check_ret("acl.rt.memcpy", ret) else: ptr = dataset[i]["buffer"] ret = acl.rt.memcpy(ptr, item["size"], item["buffer"], item["size"], policy) check_ret("acl.rt.memcpy", ret) def _gen_dataset(self, type_str="input"): dataset = acl.mdl.create_dataset() temp_dataset = None if type_str == "in": self.load_input_dataset = dataset temp_dataset = self.input_data else: self.load_output_dataset = dataset temp_dataset = self.output_data for item in temp_dataset: data = acl.create_data_buffer(item["buffer"], item["size"]) _, ret = acl.mdl.add_dataset_buffer(dataset, data) if ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE: ret = acl.destroy_data_buffer(data) check_ret("acl.destroy_data_buffer", ret) def _data_from_host_to_device(self, images): print("data interaction from host to device") # copy images to device self._data_interaction(images, ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE) # load input data into model self._gen_dataset("in") # load output data into model self._gen_dataset("out") print("data interaction from host to device success") def _data_from_device_to_host(self): print("data interaction from device to host") res = [] # copy device to host self._data_interaction(res, ACL_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST) print("data interaction from device to host success") result = self.get_result(res) self._print_result(result) def run(self, images): self._data_from_host_to_device(images) self.forward() self._data_from_device_to_host() def forward(self): print('execute stage:') ret = acl.mdl.execute(self.model_id, self.load_input_dataset, self.load_output_dataset) check_ret("acl.mdl.execute", ret) self._destroy_databuffer() print('execute stage success') def _print_result(self, result): vals = np.array(result).flatten() top_k = vals.argsort()[-1:-6:-1] print("======== top5 inference results: =============") for j in top_k: if vals[j] >= 0.5 : print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>") print("[%d]: %f" % (j, vals[j])) def _destroy_databuffer(self): for dataset in [self.load_input_dataset, self.load_output_dataset]: if not dataset: continue number = acl.mdl.get_dataset_num_buffers(dataset) for i in range(number): data_buf = acl.mdl.get_dataset_buffer(dataset, i) if data_buf: ret = acl.destroy_data_buffer(data_buf) check_ret("acl.destroy_data_buffer", ret) ret = acl.mdl.destroy_dataset(dataset) check_ret("acl.mdl.destroy_dataset", ret) def get_result(self, output_data): result = [] dims, ret = acl.mdl.get_cur_output_dims(self.model_desc, 0) check_ret("acl.mdl.get_cur_output_dims", ret) out_dim = dims['dims'] for temp in output_data: ptr = temp["buffer"] # 转化为float32类型的数据 data = acl.util.ptr_to_numpy(ptr, tuple(out_dim), NPY_FLOAT32) result.append(data) return result def transfer_pic(input_path): input_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) with as image_file: image_file = image_file.resize((256, 256)) img = np.array(image_file) height = img.shape[0] width = img.shape[1] # 对图片进行切分,取中间区域 h_off = (height - 224) // 2 w_off = (width - 224) // 2 crop_img = img[h_off:height - h_off, w_off:width - w_off, :] # rgb to bgr,改变通道顺序 img = crop_img[:, :, ::-1] shape = img.shape img = img.astype("float16") img[:, :, 0] -= 104 img[:, :, 1] -= 117 img[:, :, 2] -= 123 img = img.reshape([1] + list(shape)) img = img.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2]) result = np.frombuffer(img.tobytes(), np.float16) return result if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--device', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--model_path', type=str, default="./model/") parser.add_argument('--images_path', type=str, default="./data") args = parser.parse_args() print("Using device id:{}\nmodel path:{}\nimages path:{}" .format(args.device, args.model_path, args.images_path)) net = Net(args.device, args.model_path) cap = cv2.VideoCapture('rtsp://xxxxxx:554/Streaming/Channels/101') print(cap) ret,frame = while ret: ret,frame = cv2.imwrite(args.images_path+'/frame.jpg', frame) images_list = [os.path.join(args.images_path, img) for img in os.listdir(args.images_path) if os.path.splitext(img)[1] in IMG_EXT] for image in images_list: print("images:{}".format(image)) img = transfer_pic(image)[img]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): print("===break=========") break print("cv2.destroyAllWindows()") cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release() print("*****run finish******")


root@e9c222179267:~/dist# python3 ./src/ Using device id:0 model path:./model/ images path:./data init resource stage: model_id:1 init resource success images:./data/dog1_1024_683.jpg data interaction from host to device data interaction from host to device success execute stage: execute stage success data interaction from device to host data interaction from device to host success ======== top5 inference results: ============= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find dog >>>>>>>>>>>>> [549]: 0.808105 [868]: 0.103577 [611]: 0.032349 [584]: 0.013908 [679]: 0.009338 images:./data/dog2_1024_683.jpg data interaction from host to device data interaction from host to device success execute stage: execute stage success data interaction from device to host data interaction from device to host success ======== top5 inference results: ============= [108]: 0.332764 [611]: 0.284668 [973]: 0.103943 [549]: 0.096863 [620]: 0.027756 images:./data/frame.jpg data interaction from host to device data interaction from host to device success execute stage: execute stage success data interaction from device to host data interaction from device to host success ======== top5 inference results: ============= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find dog >>>>>>>>>>>>> [904]: 0.610352 [390]: 0.064880 [137]: 0.052521 [741]: 0.034454 [489]: 0.024231 images:./data/dog1_1024_683.jpg data interaction from host to device data interaction from host to device success execute stage: execute stage success data interaction from device to host data interaction from device to host success ======== top5 inference results: ============= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find dog >>>>>>>>>>>>> [549]: 0.808105 [868]: 0.103577 [611]: 0.032349 [584]: 0.013908 [679]: 0.009338 images:./data/dog2_1024_683.jpg data interaction from host to device data interaction from host to device success execute stage: execute stage success data interaction from device to host data interaction from device to host success ======== top5 inference results: ============= [108]: 0.332764 [611]: 0.284668 [973]: 0.103943 [549]: 0.096863 [620]: 0.027756 images:./data/frame.jpg

关于示例项目其他文件和模型,可以参考官网samples示例【基于 Caffe ResNet-50 网络实现图片分类(同步推理)】。参考网址为:

Atlas 200 DK开发者套件 Docker OpenCV 镜像服务

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