1. 安装所需的模块
!pip install imutils moviepy dlib
2. 下载代码和模型文件
import os import moxing as mox root_dir = '/home/ma-user/work/ma_share/' code_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'BABYGAN') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, 'BabyGAN.zip')): mox.file.copy('obs://arthur-1/BabyGAN/BabyGAN.zip', os.path.join(root_dir, 'BabyGAN.zip')) os.system('cd %s; unzip BabyGAN.zip' % root_dir) os.chdir(code_dir)
3. 加载相关模块及模型
import cv2 import math import pickle import imageio import warnings import PIL.Image import numpy as np from glob import glob from PIL import Image import tensorflow as tf from random import randrange import moviepy.editor as mpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.display import clear_output from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_writer import FFMPEG_VideoWriter import config import dnnlib import dnnlib.tflib as tflib from encoder.generator_model import Generator %matplotlib inline warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
本代码块只可执行一次,如果发生报错,请restart kernel
tflib.init_tf() URL_FFHQ = "./karras2019stylegan-ffhq-1024x1024.pkl" with dnnlib.util.open_url(URL_FFHQ, cache_dir=config.cache_dir) as f: generator_network, discriminator_network, Gs_network = pickle.load(f) generator = Generator(Gs_network, batch_size=1, randomize_noise=False) model_scale = int(2 * (math.log(1024, 2) - 1))
age_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/age.npy') horizontal_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/angle_horizontal.npy') vertical_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/angle_vertical.npy') eyes_open_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/eyes_open.npy') gender_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/gender.npy') smile_direction = np.load('./ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/smile.npy')
def get_watermarked(pil_image: Image) -> Image: try: image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) (h, w) = image.shape[:2] image = np.dstack([image, np.ones((h, w), dtype="uint8") * 255]) pct = 0.08 full_watermark = cv2.imread('./media/logo.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) (fwH, fwW) = full_watermark.shape[:2] wH = int(pct * h * 2) wW = int((wH * fwW) / fwH * 0.1) watermark = cv2.resize(full_watermark, (wH, wW), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) overlay = np.zeros((h, w, 4), dtype="uint8") (wH, wW) = watermark.shape[:2] overlay[h - wH - 10: h - 10, 10: 10 + wW] = watermark output = image.copy() cv2.addWeighted(overlay, 0.5, output, 1.0, 0, output) rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return Image.fromarray(rgb_image) except: return pil_image def generate_final_images(latent_vector, direction, coeffs, i): new_latent_vector = latent_vector.copy() new_latent_vector[:8] = (latent_vector + coeffs * direction)[:8] new_latent_vector = new_latent_vector.reshape((1, 18, 512)) generator.set_dlatents(new_latent_vector) img_array = generator.generate_images()[0] img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img_array, 'RGB') if size[0] >= 512: img = get_watermarked(img) img_path = "./for_animation/" + str(i) + ".png" img.thumbnail(animation_size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) img.save(img_path) face_img.append(imageio.imread(img_path)) clear_output() return img def generate_final_image(latent_vector, direction, coeffs): new_latent_vector = latent_vector.copy() new_latent_vector[:8] = (latent_vector + coeffs * direction)[:8] new_latent_vector = new_latent_vector.reshape((1, 18, 512)) generator.set_dlatents(new_latent_vector) img_array = generator.generate_images()[0] img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img_array, 'RGB') if size[0] >= 512: img = get_watermarked(img) img.thumbnail(size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) img.save("face.png") if download_image == True: files.download("face.png") return img def plot_three_images(imgB, fs=10): f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(fs, fs)) axarr[0].imshow(Image.open('./aligned_images/father_01.png')) axarr[0].title.set_text("Father's photo") axarr[1].imshow(imgB) axarr[1].title.set_text("Child's photo") axarr[2].imshow(Image.open('./aligned_images/mother_01.png')) axarr[2].title.set_text("Mother's photo") plt.setp(plt.gcf().get_axes(), xticks=[], yticks=[]) plt.show()
4. 准备好父亲和母亲的照片
本案例已各准备好一张默认的父母亲照片,可在左侧边栏的文件资源管理窗口中,进入到 ma_share/BabyGAN 目录,再进入到 father_image 或 mother_image 目录即可看到已提供的父母亲照片,如下图所示:
if len(glob(os.path.join('./father_image', '*.jpg'))) != 1 or (not os.path.exists('./father_image/father.jpg')): raise Exception('请在 ma_share/BabyGAN/father_image 目录下准备一张父亲的照片,且命名为father.jpg') if len(glob(os.path.join('./mother_image', '*.jpg'))) != 1 or (not os.path.exists('./mother_image/mother.jpg')): raise Exception('请在 ma_share/BabyGAN/father_image 目录下准备一张母亲的照片,且命名为mother.jpg')
5. 获取父亲的脸部区域,并进行人脸对齐
!python align_images.py ./father_image ./aligned_images
if os.path.isfile('./aligned_images/father_01.png'): pil_father = Image.open('./aligned_images/father_01.png') (fat_width, fat_height) = pil_father.size resize_fat = max(fat_width, fat_height) / 256 display(pil_father.resize((int(fat_width / resize_fat), int(fat_height / resize_fat)))) else: raise ValueError('No face was found or there is more than one in the photo.')
6. 获取母亲的脸部区域,并进行人脸对齐
!python align_images.py ./mother_image ./aligned_images
if os.path.isfile('./aligned_images/mother_01.png'): pil_mother = Image.open('./aligned_images/mother_01.png') (mot_width, mot_height) = pil_mother.size resize_mot = max(mot_width, mot_height) / 256 display(pil_mother.resize((int(mot_width / resize_mot), int(mot_height / resize_mot)))) else: raise ValueError('No face was found or there is more than one in the photo.')
7. 提取人脸特征
!python encode_images.py \ --early_stopping False \ --lr=0.25 \ --batch_size=2 \ --iterations=100 \ --output_video=False \ ./aligned_images \ ./generated_images \ ./latent_representations if len(glob(os.path.join('./generated_images', '*.png'))) == 2: first_face = np.load('./latent_representations/father_01.npy') second_face = np.load('./latent_representations/mother_01.npy') print("Generation of latent representation is complete! Now comes the fun part.") else: raise ValueError('Something wrong. It may be impossible to read the face in the photos. Upload other photos and try again.')
8. 生成一家三口照片
请修改下面代码中的 gender_influence 和 person_age参数,
gender_influence:性别影响因子,取值范围[0.01, 0.99],取值越接近0,父亲的容貌影响越大,反之母亲影响越大;
person_age:年龄影响因子,取值范围[10, 50],设置该值后,将生成对应年龄的小孩的容貌。
genes_influence = 0.8 # 性别影响因子,取值范围[0.01, 0.99],取值越接近0,父亲的容貌影响越大,反之母亲影响越大 person_age = 10 # 年龄影响因子,取值范围[10, 50],设置该值后,将生成对应年龄的小孩的容貌 style = "Default" if style == "Father's photo": lr = ((np.arange(1, model_scale + 1) / model_scale) ** genes_influence).reshape((model_scale, 1)) rl = 1 - lr hybrid_face = (lr * first_face) + (rl * second_face) elif style == "Mother's photo": lr = ((np.arange(1, model_scale + 1) / model_scale) ** (1 - genes_influence)).reshape((model_scale, 1)) rl = 1 - lr hybrid_face = (rl * first_face) + (lr * second_face) else: hybrid_face = ((1 - genes_influence) * first_face) + (genes_influence * second_face) intensity = -((person_age / 5) - 6) resolution = "512" size = int(resolution), int(resolution) download_image = False face = generate_final_image(hybrid_face, age_direction, intensity) plot_three_images(face, fs=15)
9. 查看孩子各年龄段的容貌
gender_influence = 0.8 # 性别影响因子,取值范围[0.01, 0.99],取值越接近0,父亲的容貌影响越大,反之母亲影响越大 !rm -rf ./for_animation !mkdir ./for_animation face_img = [] hybrid_face = ((1 - gender_influence) * first_face) + (gender_influence * second_face) animation_resolution = "512" animation_size = int(animation_resolution), int(animation_resolution) frames_number = 50 download_image = False for i in range(0, frames_number, 1): intensity = (8 * (i / (frames_number - 1))) - 4 generate_final_images(hybrid_face, age_direction, intensity, i) clear_output() print(str(i) + " of {} photo generated".format(str(frames_number))) for j in reversed(face_img): face_img.append(j) automatic_download = False if gender_influence <= 0.3: animation_name = "boy.mp4" elif gender_influence >= 0.7: animation_name = "girl.mp4" else: animation_name = "animation.mp4" imageio.mimsave('./for_animation/' + animation_name, face_img) clear_output() display(mpy.ipython_display('./for_animation/' + animation_name, height=400, autoplay=1, loop=1))
10. 查看孩子不同性别的容貌
person_age = 10 # 小孩的年龄,取值范围[10, 50],设置该值后,将生成对应年龄的小孩的容貌 !rm -rf ./for_animation !mkdir ./for_animation face_img = [] intensity = -((person_age / 5) - 6) animation_resolution = "512" animation_size = int(animation_resolution), int(animation_resolution) frames_number = 50 # 容貌变化的图像数,取值范围[10, 50] download_image = False for i in range(1, frames_number): gender_influence = i / frames_number hybrid_face = ((1 - gender_influence) * first_face) + (gender_influence * second_face) face = generate_final_images(hybrid_face, age_direction, intensity, i) clear_output() print(str(i) + " of {} photo generated".format(str(frames_number))) for j in reversed(face_img): face_img.append(j) animation_name = str(person_age) + "_years.mp4" imageio.mimsave('./for_animation/' + animation_name, face_img) clear_output() display(mpy.ipython_display('./for_animation/' + animation_name, height=400, autoplay=1, loop=1))
11. 更换父亲和母亲的照片
接下来,你可以上传自己感兴趣的父母亲照片到father_image 和 mother_image目录下,重新运行代码,即可生成新的孩子照片。
1、参考下图的操作,进入到 ma_share/BabyGAN 目录;
2、准备一张父亲的照片,上传到 father_image 目录下,命名必须为father.jpg;(如果你不知道上传文件到 JupyterLab 的方法,请查看此文档)
3、准备一张母亲的照片,上传到 mother_image 目录下,命名必须为mother.jpg;
4、father_image 和 mother_image目录都只允许存在一张照片;
源码运行方法:点击“Run in ModelArts”按钮,仔细阅读脚本的说明,一步步进行操作。
AI AI开发平台ModelArts
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