
网友投稿 959 2022-05-30

1. 假设当前有两个用户tom和jerry,如果想要用户jerry能够对当前tom创建的所有表以及将来创建的表都有查询权限,如何处理:

-- 1. 将用户tom下的同名schema权限赋给jerry grant usage on schema tom to jerry; -- 2. 将用户tom已经创建的表的select权限赋给jerry grant select on all tables in schema tom to jerry; -- 3. 将用户tom未来在同名schema下创建的表的select权限赋给jerry -- 注意,其中for user tom是必须的,表示把用户tom将来在schema tom下创建的表的只读权限赋权给jerry -- 如果不加for user tom,缺省值为当前角色/用户 alter default privileges for user tom in schema tom grant select on tables to jerry;

2. 如何查看某张表当前的权限情况


rolename=xxxx/yyyy    --表示rolename对该表有xxxx权限,且权限来自yyyy

=xxxx/yyyy                  -- 表示public对该表有xxxx权限,且权限来自yyyy



postgres=> select relname,relowner,relacl from pg_class where relname = 'tom_t1'; relname | relowner | relacl ---------+----------+-------- tom_t1 | 25184 | (1 row)


postgres=> select relname,relowner,relacl from pg_class where relname = 'tom_t1'; relname | relowner | relacl ---------+----------+-------------------------------- tom_t1 | 25184 | {tom=arwdDxt/tom,jerry=ar/tom} (1 row)



postgres=# select * from has_table_privilege('jerry','test','select'); has_table_privilege --------------------- t (1 row) postgres=# select * from has_table_privilege('tom','test','select'); has_table_privilege --------------------- f (1 row)


3. 某张表执行过 grant select on table t1 to public 导致所有用户对该表有读权限,如何针对某个用户回收权限

场景构造:假设当前有两个普通用户use1和use2,当前数据库下有两张表t1和t2, 执行:

grant select on table t1 to public;

用户use1和use2对该表有访问权限,并且新建用户use3后,新用户use3对该表也有访问权限,且执行revoke select on table t1 from use3无效:

test=# test=# revoke select on table t1 from use3; REVOKE test=# \c - use3 Password for user use3: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "test" as user "use3". test=> test=> select * from t1; a --- (0 rows) test=> test=> select relname, relacl from pg_class where relname = 't1'; relname | relacl ---------+----------------------------------------------- t1 | {liukunpeng=arwdDxt/liukunpeng,=r/liukunpeng} (1 row)

这是因为之前执行过 grant select on table t1 to public 这条sql,该sql中关键字public表示该权限要赋予给所有角色,包括以后创建的角色,所以新用户use3对该表也有访问权限。public可以看做是一个隐含定义好的组,它总是包含所有角色。任何角色或用户都将拥有通过GRANT直接赋予的权限和所属组的权限,再加上public的权限。因此,执行完revoke select on table t1 from use3之后,虽然use3用户没有了该表的访问权限(通过该表的relacl字段也可以看到,参考第二个案例的链接权限说明),但是他仍然有public的权限,所以仍能访问该表。


test=# --查看所有用户 test=# select * from pg_user where usesysid >= 16384; usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | userepl | passwd | valbegin | valuntil | respool | parent | spacelimit | useconfig | nodegroup | tempspacelimit | spillspacelimit ---------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+----------+----------+--------------+--------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+----------------- jack | 16408 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | | default_pool | 0 | | | | | tom | 16412 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | | default_pool | 0 | | | | | use1 | 16437 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | | default_pool | 0 | | | | | use2 | 16441 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | | default_pool | 0 | | | | | use3 | 16448 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | | default_pool | 0 | | | | | (5 rows) test=# --对原用户执行grant test=# grant select on table t1 to jack,tom,use1,use2; GRANT test=# --回收public的权限 test=# revoke select on table t1 from public; test=# \c - use3 Password for user use3: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "test" as user "use3". test=> select * from t1; ERROR: permission denied for relation t1


4. 赋予用户schema的all权限后建表仍然报错:ERROR:  current user does not have privilege to role tom


postgres=# grant all on schema tom to jerry; GRANT postgres=# \c - jerry Password for user jerry: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "jerry". postgres=> postgres=> create table tom.t(a int); ERROR: current user does not have privilege to role tom


postgres=# grant tom to jerry; GRANT ROLE postgres=# \c - jerry Password for user jerry: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "jerry". postgres=> postgres=> create table tom.t(a int); NOTICE: The 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause is not specified. Using 'a' as the distribution column by default. HINT: Please use 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause to specify suitable data distribution column. CREATE TABLE postgres=>



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