excel表格vba编程的方法步骤(excel vba编程基础知识)
Concepts 概念
Overview of ROS 2 Concepts ROS 2概念概述
ROS 2 and different DDS/RTPS vendors ROS 2和不同的DDS / RTPS供应商
About Quality of Service Settings 关于服务质量设置
About ROS 2 Interfaces 关于ROS 2接口
About ROS2 client libraries 关于ROS2客户端库
Logging and logger configuration 日志记录和日志记录器配置
See also http://docs.ros2.org/ for ROS 2 high level documentation.
有关ROS 2高级文档,另请参考http://docs.ros2.org/。
Overview of ROS 2 Concepts
ROS 2概念综述
Table of Contents 目录
Quick Overview of Graph Concepts 图概念的快速概述
Nodes 节点
Client Libraries 客户端库
Discovery 消息发现机制
Example: talker-listener 示例:发布器-订阅器
ROS is a middleware based on an anonymous publish/subscribe mechanism that allows for message passing between different ROS processes.
At the heart of any ROS 2 system is the ROS graph. The ROS graph refers to the network of nodes in a ROS system and the connections between them by which they communicate.
任何ROS 2系统的核心是ROS图。ROS图指的是ROS系统中的节点网络以及它们之间通信的连接。
ROS2 turtlesim Graph
Quick Overview of Graph Concepts
Nodes: A node is an entity that uses ROS to communicate with other nodes.
Messages: ROS data type used when subscribing or publishing to a topic.
Topics: Nodes can publish messages to a topic as well as subscribe to a topic to receive messages.
Discovery: The automatic process through which nodes determine how to talk to each other.
Nodes 节点
A node is a participant in the ROS graph. ROS nodes use a ROS client library to communicate with other nodes. Nodes can publish or subscribe to a Topic. Nodes can also provide or use a Service. There are configurable Parameters associated with a node. Connections between nodes are established through a distributed discovery process. Nodes may be located in the same process, in different processes, or on different machines. These concepts will be described in more detail in the sections that follow.
Client Libraries 客户端库
ROS client libraries allow nodes written in different programming languages to communicate. There is a core ROS client library (RCL) that implements common functionality needed for the ROS APIs of different languages. This makes it so that language-specific client libraries are easier to write and that they have more consistent behavior.
ROS客户端库支持不同编程语言编写的节点进行通信。一个核心的ROS客户端库(ROS client library, RCL)实现了不同语言ROS API所需的通用功能。这使得特定语言的客户端库更易于编写,并且它们具有更一致的行为。
The following client libraries are maintained by the ROS 2 team:
以下客户端库由ROS 2团队维护:
rclcpp = C++ client library
rclcpp = C ++客户端库
rclpy = Python client library
rclpy = Python客户端库
Additionally, other client libraries have been developed by the ROS community. See the ROS 2 Client Libraries article for more details.
此外,ROS社区还开发了其他客户端库。有关这方面内容的更多详细信息,请参考ROS 2客户端库文章。
Discovery 消息发现机制
Discovery of nodes happens automatically through the underlying middleware of ROS 2. It can be summarized as follows: 节点的发现通过ROS 2的底层中间件自动实现完成。可以总结如下:
When a node is started, it advertises its presence to other nodes on the network with the same ROS domain (set with the ROS_DOMAIN_ID environment variable). Nodes respond to this advertisement with information about themselves so that the appropriate connections can be made and the nodes can communicate.
启动节点时,它会将其存在通告给具有相同ROS域的网络上的其他节点(使用ROS_DOMAIN_ID环境变量 设置ROS域)。节点使用有关自身的信息响应此通告,以便可以进行适当的连接并且节点可以进行通信。
Nodes periodically advertise their presence so that connections can be made with new-found entities, even after the initial discovery period.
Nodes advertise to other nodes when they go offline.
Nodes will only establish connections with other nodes if they have compatible Quality of Service settings.
Example: talker-listener 例如:发布器-订阅器
In one terminal, start a node (written in C++) that will publish messages on a topic.
在一个终端中,启动将在主题上发布消息的节点(用C ++编写)。
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
In another terminal, start a second node (written in Python) that will subscribe to messages on the same topic.
ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener
You should see that these nodes discover each other automatically, and begin to exchange messages.
多试几组案例,熟练掌握ros2 run和rqt的基本使用。
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