
网友投稿 686 2022-05-30


For specific information, please refer to the reference at the end of the article.

课程描述 Course Description


This course explores the implementation of intelligent behavior in mobile robots, focusing on the Cozmo robot by Anki.

The prerequisite for the course is intermediate-level programming skills and facility with Python. Prior experience in robotics or artificial intelligence is helpful but not required.

学习目标 Learning Objectives






评估对比三个Cozmo编程框架的优劣:Cozmo Python SDK,Code Lab和ROS。

After taking this course, you will be able to:

Program intelligent behaviors on the Cozmo robot using Python.

Employ computer vision techniques using OpenCV to recognize markers and objects.

Design robot environments that facilitate visual landmark-based localization and navigation.

Use speech recognition to provide voice control of a robot.

Assess the strengths and limitations of three Cozmo programming frameworks: the Cozmo Python SDK, Code Lab, and ROS.

学习资源 Learning Resources

课程没有教科书。There is no textbook for the course.


More resources: Cozmo, ROS1, ROS2, OpenCV and OpenAI's official website wiki.

环境配置  Laboratory configuration

手机Phone:安装Cozmo_3.4.0最新版应用。iOS直接在应用商店查找安装,Android在网上下载xapk包安装。Install the latest version of Cozmo_3.4.0. iOS finds the installation directly in the app store, and Android downloads the xapk package online.

电脑PC:下载Cozmo_SDK、Cozmo_tools、ROS1驱动和ROS2驱动等,推荐使用Ubuntu 18.04 LTS桌面系统、VSCode等。Download Cozmo_SDK, Cozmo_tools, ROS1 drivers and ROS2 drivers, etc. It is recommended to use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop system, VSCode and so on.

机器人Cozmo:连接无线,并依据提示更新系统。Connect WiFi and follow the prompts to update the robot system.

配置和使用虚拟环境如下:install and set up virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

pip install virtualenv

virtualenv -p python3.6 ~/cozmo-env

激活虚拟环境:activate the virtualenv any time you use cozmo:

source ~/cozmo-env/bin/activate

但有时候会运行出错,推荐用如下命令完成在Ubuntu 18.04或16.04的配置。

To install the SDK, type the following into the Terminal window:

pip3 install --user 'cozmo[camera]'


To upgrade the SDK from a previous install, enter this command:

pip3 install --user --upgrade cozmo

机器人学习对场地的要求,一般而言比较高,这是由于机器人本身体积较大。有些竞赛项目甚至需要体育馆大小空间。Learning robots have a relatively high requirement for space on the site, because robots generally have large dimensions. Some competitions even require as much space as a gym.

但是学习Cozmo,通常只需一张A4纸大小的空间。But learning Cozmo usually requires only one A4 paper size space.

Cozmo机器人价格低于100美元/660元人民币,全部材料配齐也远低于1000元人民币。Cozmo robots cost less than 0/660 yuan, and the price of all materials is below 1,000 yuan.

它是目前学习机器人学、机器人操作系统和人工智能最低成本的方案之一,但是功能非常强大!It is one of the lowest cost devices for learning robotics, ROS and AI, but it is very powerful!

硬件架构、软件设计和课程生态都是非常丰富多彩的。The hardware architecture, software design, and curriculum ecology are all outstanding.

它由300多个部件组成。It consists of more than 300 parts.

它内部有四个电机,分别驱动左轮、右轮、头部和起重臂。It has four motors inside that drive the left wheel, the right wheel, the head and the lift.

三块小电路板。Three small circuit boards.

一个摄像头传感器,可以输出320x240的灰度或160x240的彩色图像。A camera sensor that can output 320x240 grayscale or 160x240 color images.

面部为LED点阵显示并配备一个扬声器。Its head has an LED dot matrix display and is equipped with a speaker.

皮克斯设计的动画表情包。Pixar Designer “Animations”









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