在某些时候,您需要在Excel中创建特定的月或年日历,如何快速解决呢? 本教程介绍了在Excel中快速创建每月或每年日历的技巧。
惊人的! 在 Excel 中使用高效的选项卡,如 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari!
1.在Excel 2010/2013中,单击 文件 > 全新,在Excel 2007中,单击 办公按钮 > 全新,然后在弹出窗口的右侧部分中输入 日历 进入搜索引擎。 看截图:
在Excel 2010/2013中
在Excel 2007中
2。 按 输入,然后窗口中会列出多种类型的日历。 选择所需的一种日历,然后单击 下载(或创建) 在右窗格中。 看截图:
现在,在新工作簿中创建了一个日历。 看截图:
有时,您需要为指定的月份创建一个月的日历,例如2015年XNUMX月。使用上述方法很难找到这样的日历模板。 在这里,我介绍了VBA代码,以帮助您创建特定的每月日历。
1。 按 Alt + F11键 打开钥匙 Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序 窗口中,单击 插页 > 模块,然后将以下VBA代码复制并粘贴到窗口中。
Sub CalendarMaker()
Unprotect sheet if had previous calendar to prevent error.
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=False, _
Prevent screen flashing while drawing calendar.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set up error trapping.
On Error GoTo MyErrorTrap
Clear area a1:g14 including any previous calendar.
Use InputBox to get desired month and year and set variable
MyInput = InputBox("Type in Month and year for Calendar ")
Allow user to end macro with Cancel in InputBox.
If MyInput = "" Then Exit Sub
Get the date value of the beginning of inputted month.
StartDay = DateValue(MyInput)
Check if valid date but not the first of the month
-- if so, reset StartDay to first day of month.
If Day(StartDay) <> 1 Then
StartDay = DateValue(Month(StartDay) & "/1/" & _
End If
Prepare cell for Month and Year as fully spelled out.
Range("a1").NumberFormat = "mmmm yyyy"
Center the Month and Year label across a1:g1 with appropriate
size, height and bolding.
With Range("a1:g1")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Font.Size = 18
.Font.Bold = True
.RowHeight = 35
End With
Prepare a2:g2 for day of week labels with centering, size,
height and bolding.
With Range("a2:g2")
.ColumnWidth = 11
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Orientation = xlHorizontal
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.Bold = True
.RowHeight = 20
End With
Put days of week in a2:g2.
Range("a2") = "Sunday"
Range("b2") = "Monday"
Range("c2") = "Tuesday"
Range("d2") = "Wednesday"
Range("e2") = "Thursday"
Range("f2") = "Friday"
Range("g2") = "Saturday"
Prepare a3:g7 for dates with left/top alignment, size, height
and bolding.
With Range("a3:g8")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.Font.Size = 18
.Font.Bold = True
.RowHeight = 21
End With
Put inputted month and year fully spelling out into "a1".
Range("a1").Value = Application.Text(MyInput, "mmmm yyyy")
Set variable and get which day of the week the month starts.
DayofWeek = WeekDay(StartDay)
Set variables to identify the year and month as separate
CurYear = Year(StartDay)
CurMonth = Month(StartDay)
Set variable and calculate the first day of the next month.
FinalDay = DateSerial(CurYear, CurMonth + 1, 1)
Place a "1" in cell position of the first day of the chosen
month based on DayofWeek.
Select Case DayofWeek
Case 1
Range("a3").Value = 1
Case 2
Range("b3").Value = 1
Case 3
Range("c3").Value = 1
Case 4
Range("d3").Value = 1
Case 5
Range("e3").Value = 1
Case 6
Range("f3").Value = 1
Case 7
Range("g3").Value = 1
End Select
Loop through range a3:g8 incrementing each cell after the "1"
For Each cell In Range("a3:g8")
RowCell = cell.Row
ColCell = cell.Column
Do if "1" is in first column.
If cell.Column = 1 And cell.Row = 3 Then
Do if current cell is not in 1st column.
ElseIf cell.Column <> 1 Then
If cell.Offset(0, -1).Value >= 1 Then
cell.Value = cell.Offset(0, -1).Value + 1
Stop when the last day of the month has been
If cell.Value > (FinalDay - StartDay) Then
cell.Value = ""
Exit loop when calendar has correct number of
days shown.
Exit For
End If
End If
Do only if current cell is not in Row 3 and is in Column 1.
ElseIf cell.Row > 3 And cell.Column = 1 Then
cell.Value = cell.Offset(-1, 6).Value + 1
Stop when the last day of the month has been entered.
If cell.Value > (FinalDay - StartDay) Then
cell.Value = ""
Exit loop when calendar has correct number of days
Exit For
End If
End If
Create Entry cells, format them centered, wrap text, and border
around days.
For x = 0 To 5
Range("A4").Offset(x * 2, 0).EntireRow.Insert
With Range("A4:G4").Offset(x * 2, 0)
.RowHeight = 65
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.WrapText = True
.Font.Size = 10
.Font.Bold = False
Unlock these cells to be able to enter text later after
sheet is protected.
.Locked = False
End With
Put border around the block of dates.
With Range("A3").Offset(x * 2, 0).Resize(2, _
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
With Range("A3").Offset(x * 2, 0).Resize(2, _
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Range("A3").Offset(x * 2, 0).Resize(2, 7).BorderAround _
Weight:=xlThick, ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic
If Range("A13").Value = "" Then Range("A13").Offset(0, 0) _
.Resize(2, 8).EntireRow.Delete
Turn off gridlines.
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
Protect sheet to prevent overwriting the dates.
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, _
Resize window to show all of calendar (may have to be adjusted
for video configuration).
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
Allow screen to redraw with calendar showing.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Prevent going to error trap unless error found by exiting Sub
Exit Sub
Error causes msgbox to indicate the problem, provides new input box,
and resumes at the line that caused the error.
MsgBox "You may not have entered your Month and Year correctly." _
& Chr(13) & "Spell the Month correctly" _
& " (or use 3 letter abbreviation)" _
& Chr(13) & "and 4 digits for the Year"
MyInput = InputBox("Type in Month and year for Calendar")
If MyInput = "" Then Exit Sub
End Sub
VBA来自此网站 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/150774
2。 按 F5 键或 运行 按钮,并弹出一个对话框,提醒您键入创建日历所需的特定月份,请参见屏幕截图:
3。 点击 OK。 现在,将在活动工作表中创建一个2015年XNUMX月的日历。
但是在上述方法中,存在一些局限性,例如,如果要一次创建从一月到五月的日历,则需要使用上述两种方法五次创建日历。 现在,我介绍一个方便的实用程序来快速轻松地解决它
Perpetual Calendar 是的强大工具之一 Kutools for Excel,它可以帮助您一次在Excel中快速创建每月或每年的日历。
Kutools for Excel, 与超过 300 方便的功能,使您的工作更加轻松。
1。 点击 企业 > 工作表 > Perpetual Calendar。 看截图:
2.在弹出的对话框中,指定要创建日历的月份持续时间,然后单击 创建。 看截图:
然后使用五个日历工作表创建一个新的工作簿。 看截图:
将小时转化为分钟 Kutools for Excel!
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