Google Earth Engine ——非洲参考蒸发量(RET)数据集FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_D

网友投稿 712 2022-05-30

Reference evapotranspiration (RET) is defined as the evapotranspiration from a hypothetical reference crop and it simulates the behaviour of a well-watered grass surface. The value of each pixel represents the average of the daily reference evapotranspiration for that specific dekad.


Dataset Availability

2009-01-01T00:00:00 - 2021-07-11T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



0.17 degrees

Bands Table

var coll = ee.ImageCollection('FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_D'); var image = coll.first(); Map.setCenter(17.5, 20, 3); Map.addLayer(image, {min: 0, max: 100});


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is mandated to collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate information related to nutrition, food, and agriculture. In this regard, it publishes a number of databases on topics related to FAO's mandate, and encourages the use of them for scientific and research purposes. Consistent with the principles of openness and sharing envisioned under the Open Data Licensing For Statistical Databases, and consistent with the mandate of FAO, data from the Water Productivity Open Access Portal (WaPOR), as part of AQUASTAT

FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture, is available free to the user community.

联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)的任务是收集、分析、解释和传播与营养、粮食和农业有关的信息。在这方面,它就与粮农组织任务相关的主题出版了一些数据库,并鼓励人们为科学和研究目的使用这些数据库。根据 "统计数据库开放数据许可 "所设想的开放和共享原则,并与粮农组织的任务相一致,水生产力开放门户(WaPOR)的数据作为AQUASTAT的组成部分



Google Earth Engine ——非洲参考蒸发量(RET)数据集FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_D

FAO 2018. WaPOR Database Methodology: Level 1. Remote Sensing for Water Productivity Technical Report: Methodology Series. Rome, FAO. 72 pages.

FAO 2020. WaPOR V2 Database Methodology. Remote Sensing for Water Productivity Technical Report: Methodology Series. Rome, FAO. (in press)

AI 数据库

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上一篇:Google Earth Engine ——非洲植被冠层拦截的降雨的蒸发量数据集