Google Earth Engine ——全球水电站数据集MERIT/Hydro_reduced/v1_0_1补充图层!

网友投稿 508 2022-05-29

Supplementary visualization layers for MERIT Hydro


Dataset Availability

1987-01-01T00:00:00 - 2017-01-01T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

Dai Yamazaki (University of Tokyo)

Collection Snippet



556.6 meters

Bands Table


'Citation to the paper is adequate if you simply use MERIT DEM. If you asked for help for additional handling/editing of the dataset, or if your research outcome highly depends on the product, the developer would request co-authorship.

MERIT DEM is licensed under a Creative Commons "CC-BY-NC 4.0" or Open Data Commons "Open Database License (ODbL 1.0)". With a dual license, you can choose an appropriate license for you.

To view a copy of these license, please visit:

CC-BY-NC 4.0 license: Non-Commercial Use with less restriction.

ODbL 1.0 license: Commercial Use is OK, but the derived data based on MERIT DEM should be made publicly available under the same ODbL license. For example, if you create a flood hazard map using MERIT DEM and you would like to provide a COMMERCIAL service based on that, you have to make the hazard map PUBLICLY AVAILABLE under OdBL license.

Note that the above license terms are applied to the "derived data" based on MERIT DEM, while they are not applied to "produced work / artwork" created with MERIT DEM (such as figures in a journal paper). The users may have a copyright of the artwork and may assign any license, when the produced work is not considered as "derived data".

By downloading and using the data the user agrees to the terms and conditions of one of these licenses. Notwithstanding this free license, we ask users to refrain from redistributing the data in whole in its original format on other websites without the explicit written permission from the authors.

The copyright of MERIT DEM is held by the developers, 2018, all rights reserved.'

MERIT DEM采用知识共享 "CC-BY-NC 4.0 "或开放数据共享 "开放数据库许可(ODbL 1.0)"进行许可。通过双重许可证,你可以选择适合你的许可证。


CC-BY-NC 4.0许可证。非商业使用,限制较少。

ODbL 1.0许可证。商业使用是可以的,但基于MERIT DEM的衍生数据应在相同的ODbL许可证下公开提供。例如,如果你用MERIT DEM创建了一个洪水灾害地图,并且你想在此基础上提供商业服务,你必须在ODBL许可证下公开提供该灾害地图。

Google Earth Engine ——全球水电站数据集MERIT/Hydro_reduced/v1_0_1补充图层!

请注意,上述许可条款适用于基于MERIT DEM的 "衍生数据",而不适用于用MERIT DEM创作的 "作品/艺术作品"(如期刊论文中的数字)。当制作的作品不被视为 "派生数据 "时,用户可以拥有艺术品的版权,并可以转让任何许可。

MERIT DEM的版权由开发者持有,2018年,所有权利保留。


Yamazaki D., D. Ikeshima, R. Tawatari, T. Yamaguchi, F. O'Loughlin, J.C. Neal, C.C. Sampson, S. Kanae & P.D. Bates. A high accuracy map of global terrain elevations. Geophysical Research Letters, vol.44, pp.5844-5853, 2017. doi:10.1002/2017GL072874


var dataset = ee.Image("MERIT/Hydro_reduced/v1_0_1");

var visualization = {

bands: 'wth',

min: 0,

max: 400


Map.setCenter(90.301, 23.052, 10);

Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, "River width");


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