EXCEL 自定义函数提取字符串中的数字
Function GetNB(rng As Range)If rng <> "" ThenFor i = 1 To Len(rng)tmp = Mid(rng, i, 1)If IsNumeric(tmp) Or tmp Like "[+-\*\/^%)()]" And Not tmp Like "[A-Z?!~@=_,;|\[]" Then GetNB = GetNB & tmpNextElseGetNB = ""End IfEnd Function
Function CountNB(rng As Range)If rng <> "" ThenFor i = 1 To Len(rng)tmp = Mid(rng, i, 1)If IsNumeric(tmp) Or tmp Like "[+-\*\/^%()]" And Not tmp Like "[A-Z?!~@=_,;|\[]" Then CountNB = CountNB & tmpNextCountNB = Application.Evaluate(CountNB)ElseCountNB = ""End IfEnd Function
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